Solomonic justice and Masonic values

King Solomon, son of King David, inherited a considerable empire which he administered with great skill. However, while he was still very young, his people admired him for his great wisdom in dispensing justice.

Crowds flocked to hear each case and see how their king resolved it, but none aroused as much curiosity as that of two mothers claiming their son.

At that time, two unmarried women had been mothers at the same time, and it was customary to give them a room to sleep in so that they would not sleep out in the open, so one night one of them crushed her baby in her sleep, and when she woke up she discovered that it had died, she quickly exchanged her baby for that of the woman who slept next to her. When she woke up, she cried out in despair at the sight of her dead child, but on closer inspection, she recognized that it was not her child but the one that the other woman who was watching her was holding in her arms.

All the people approached the palace where Solomon was dispensing justice, wondering what their wise king would do and presuming that this case had no solution.

The two women with the baby appeared in front of the king, who listened to their stories, both of them were convincing; they both swore to be the mother of the newborn baby, and their bodies bore the signs of having recently given birth.

Then King Solomon called one of his soldiers and said: "With your sword, cut the child in half, and we will divide it," the soldier did not dare to comply with such a request, but Solomon shouted much louder, "use your sword, soldier."

At that moment, one of the women fell on her knees in front of Solomon and begged the king for mercy, not to hurt the child; she begged in tears that her son would still be alive even if she lost him.

All were speechless, believing that the case had resolved itself.
Then King Solomon spoke, asked the kneeling woman to stand up, and said to her, "You have proved to me that you are the true mother of the child. Moreover, the child was given to her.

This ancient story crosses all times; the love of a mother, siblings, partners ceases to be love when the possession is stronger.

This is what happens in a patriarchal society where women and, often, children cannot be "subjects" because they are depersonalized; they are not the property of the one who feels the authority of the house, although they live this how do you join the freemasons way.

That is why in Freemasonry, so much importance is given to values such as justice and equity, the latter being natural justice over legislated justice.

The Masonic woman knows that the work begins every day, that it is never finished, that there is always more to learn.

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